
2025 Mar 15, 10:45

"Unveiling the Phenomenon: The Emergence of 'Long Flu' in COVID-19 Survivors" Dec 28, 2023

BOSTON - A new study has discovered that some individuals may experience what is being referred to as "long flu," similar to the long-term symptoms associated with COVID-19. According to research conducted by Washington University School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, individuals who have been hospitalized with the seasonal flu can experience prolonged and sometimes debilitating symptoms. However, it is worth noting that these symptoms are generally less severe in comparison to long COVID. One key difference between long flu and long COVID is that the symptoms of long flu primarily affect the lungs, whereas COVID-19 has the potential to attack various organs, including the lungs, heart, brain, and kidneys. To avoid developing long flu or long COVID, the primary goal should be to prevent severe illness and hospitalization. This can be achieved by getting vaccinated, as there are vaccines available for both the seasonal flu and COVID-19. Surprisingly, despite the availability of vaccines, a majority of Americans have not yet received their annual flu shot or the new COVID-19 vaccine

Taking these preventative measures is crucial in protecting oneself and others from the long-lasting effects of these illnesses.