
2025 Mar 14, 13:39

"Quiz: Boost Your Heart Health with Smart Food Choices - Which Type of Fat Is Best?" Dec 28, 2023

HealthU: Are You Making Heart-Friendly Food Choices? Are you making the most heart-friendly food choices? Take our quiz to find out. Did you know that saturated and trans fats raise levels of the "bad" cholesterol? On the other hand, monounsaturated fats are good for your heart. To keep your heart healthy, it's important to watch your sodium intake. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 mg a day, but ideally, a limit of 1,500 mg of sodium daily

When it comes to protein, fish is a great choice, especially tuna and salmon. Fish is known to help prevent heart disease. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet is crucial for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends getting four to five servings of fruits and vegetables a day

If you love fried foods, it's time to make a change. Frying usually involves oils, salt, and fat, which aren't good for your heart. Instead, try baking, broiling, or steaming your food for a heart-friendly option. Remember, the information provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only

Always consult your physician for individual care. For more information and resources on heart-healthy eating, visit our website at www.healthu.com. Take control of your heart health today!